Many innocent hard working savers were sold high-risk investments by marketing companies or by their IFA (Independent Financial Advisers) that have subsequently failed or not performed as described. Many of these may have been mis-sold and in those circumstances, we can assist you in claiming compensation.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) review‡ into pension transfers and switching found that more than a third of people who transferred their pension did not receive suitable advice.
What constitutes mis-selling?
Any of following can constitute mis-selling:
- You were given unsuitable advice
- The risks were not explained
- You were not given the information needed
- Any fees payable were not made clear
- You were assured that your SIPP pension value would increase but has fallen.
- You were not properly informed of the factors which could result in a reduction of the value of investment
Mis-sold SIPP Investments
The following are some examples of mis-sold SIPP investments:
- Off plan properties
- Storage Pods
- Bio-fuels
- Global Forestry Investments
- Australian farmland
- Hotels
- Carbon credits
What should I do next?
If you have lost money on your pension and you think you may be affected by any of these issues, then we would encourage you to start doing something about it. Complete the form above to start your free claim assessment.
‡ source - FCA announces changes to advice on pension transfers
Lost money on your
pension or Investment?
You could be due thousands of pounds in compensation if you lost money and or benefits from bad advice or were sold unsuitable or unregulated investment products